Great Brewers' Beer Sommelier is a simple guide to appropriately pairing beer with food. The process starts with a vertical row of large picture boxes, each representing a main ingredient, from meet (beef, fish, poultry, game), to dairy, pasta, nuts, fruit, cheese and chocolate. Click one and a second row appears offering loads of popular dishes within the category (i.e., Pasta breaks into mac & cheese, lo mein, lasagna, etc.). Once a dish is specified, a third row appears featuring general styles of beer to pair with it (i.e., German-style strong doppelbock, Bamberg-style Marzen Rauchbier) with links to a fact sheet on the style (flavor profile, typical ABV, bitterness, appropriate glassware), and myriad examples of the style from a database of over 2,100 craft beers, each with its own page replete with tasting notes, availability, and tap type required. you find the perfect brew to pair with your meal, GB uses its connections with 22 of America's leading craft/specialty beer wholesalers to Gmap out people selling it near your zip, whether for take-home purchase or on tap.
Labels: Drink, Helpful, Instruction
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